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Educational Goals

HARP strives to achieve the educational goal of providing our students with the skills necessary for them to "learn how to learn" to be independent in everyday environments. Our focus on intensive teaching fosters functional independence in our students. HARP uses an outside-of-the-box approach of learning and teaching, such that we look at each student as an unique individual. This allows us to evaluate their analytical skills and discover their motivations to learn.


HARP uses any combination of education strategies to tailor a curriculum to fit a student’s needs and skills to ensure efficiency and the best learning retention. At HARP, it is all about the individuality of the student, as we want to support students and their path to independence. HARP offers an educational system that a mainstream public school cannot. Our individualization, small class sizes, high staff-to-student ratio, and great level of support all work together to make our educational goals possible.

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